LIC “Saglasie” EAD allows you to increase your insurance protection. Along with Life insurance you may conclude additional insurance "Accident" including additional coverage against:
- Death due to accident
- Reduced or permanent disability due to accident
- Temporary disability due to accident
Insurance payments:
- In case of death due to accident - payment of the agreed insurance sum
- In case of reduced or permanent disability due to accident - amount payable is determined as percentage of the insurance sum for permanent disability resulting from an accident. In case of 100% permanent disability 150% of the agreed insurance sum will be paid.
- Temporary disability due to accident – payment depends on disability period.
- Death due to accident - beneficiaries in basic agreement
- In case of reduced or permanent disability due to accident - insured person
- In case of temporary disability as a result of an accident –insured person
The Insurance covering is throughout the world.
Additional insurance "Accident" is available as additional insurance to:
- Classic Endowment Life Insurance
- Fondpolica
- Fondpolica with investment package
Term Life Insurance with a constant insurance sum